Since I'm the food storage gal in our ward (and thus Pop is the food storage guy), I decided we ought to get the sisters to the new dry pack storage center that opened in January. It's so new, that nobody goes! You don't even need to make an appointment, but I felt with so many that we should let them know we were coming. We had 17 sisters sign up, 5 forgot to come, but we went ahead and put their order together anyway.
Pop starts by getting the proper can labels, and stamping the date on them.

Pop, of course, was the greatest guy to have around. He and Tammy Stokes and her sister, Kristy Chase, worked circles around everyone else.

The crew on the 2nd line. They're working from both sides of the table, filling the cans with different stuff. I had a sign up sheet, compiled all the orders, and took it over on Monday. When we got there this morning, they'd figured out how many bags were needed of each product and had them on a cart, ready for us to work. By looking at the compiled order, we knew how many cans of each product we needed.

Tammy Clayson and Rolled Oats (she's the counselor I work with)

Three sisters laid out all the empty boxes, put names on each box and what they'd ordered. Then they began to fill.

2 1/2 hours later, and many cases later (6 cans to a case) we were through, except for clean up and paying. We worked hard, and I felt really good about the turn out.